Sunday, January 10, 2021

Well now, this ought to really fix our election process.

More food for thought from GHW Bush's HUD secretary

Sunday, January 3, 2021

If you haven't yet lost faith in our government, here's a good reason

If you truly believe that our fully purchased government and media are anything more than the enforcement and propaganda department for large corporate interests who view us as sheep to be fleeced (or in this case slaughtered, because it's more profitable), here's a bit of evidence to shake your belief.

In early December, the US Senate held a hearing, at which Dr Pierre Kory, a frontline Wisconsin doctor who has treated thousands of covid patients gave testimony with regards to ivermectin as both a prophylaxis and treatment for covid.  

Within it he notes the multitude of studies (most all performed in somewhat less corporate-beholden countries) that prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that ivermectin is a "miracle drug" (his words) against covid.  For instance, he cites an Argentine study where medical personnel were divided into two groups.  800 received ivermectin as a prophylaxis, and 400 received a placebo.  The placebo group was infected at a rate of 56%, whereas the ivermectin group developed no infections whatsoever.  

This doctor is not the only one touting this treatment.  Someone I trust and have followed for years (with a degree in pathology specializing in viral toxicology) has been saying the same thing for months now -- and had his youtube video censored for his efforts.  

What are we told in this country?  To wait for our chance to be guinea pigs for a vaccine which has gone through minimal trials with questionable results, and which harbors the potential for serious side effects such as the triggering of serious auto-immune disorders (the FDA, to their credit, finally announced that people with severe allergies should not take it).  

One former Pfizer exec -- who specialized in development of lung treatments -- has laid out his serious concerns for the vaccine, but you won't hear about him on TV in the US.  

If you venture to the New York Times website, and do a search for ivermectin within the last month, you'll find two smear pieces suggesting that Dr. Pierre Kory's testimony to the senate, the first with a title, "A Senate hearing promoted unproven drugs and dubious claims about the coronavirus".  If you actually review the testimony and the associated documentation, however, you'll quickly lose faith in the NYT if you hadn't already done so long ago.

Once you've seen the depths to which corporate entities will go to further their raison d'etre (which is most certainly not  to do good in the world), it's much easier to believe what many will still label as tin-foil-hat territory.  For me the tipping point was the book, "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" combined with conversations with a retired US Special forces coworker (retired after being shot 5 times).   He described to me how he was regularly involved in activities -- mostly in Central and South America -- which Americans were never told about.   His account meshed perfectly with Smedley Butler's famous letter, in which he states I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism"

The documentary "The Corporation", (watch it for free on Youtube) lays out the clinical definitions for diagnosis of a psychopath -- and then steps through each one and provides numerous examples of why publicly owned corporations fit the diagnosis to a T.  

My own experiences while employed at Zoetis -- a former division of Pfizer -- has also greatly altered my view of pharmaceutical corporations in particular.   One co-worker who had been with the company since it was Upjohn Pharmaceuticals described how one of the blood pressure medications they had developed -- minoxodil -- had a noted side effect of growing small amounts of light fuzzy hair where it was topically applied.  Upjohn thought nothing of it (the hair growth was not significant) and just noted it as a curiosity.  When Pfizer purchased the company, however, they viewed it as a potential goldmine, and began to market it as Rogaine, despite the fact that their claims for the drug's effectiveness were fraudulent..

While employed at Zoetis, the company email announced a series of employee informational seminars on "How to talk to friends and family about antibiotics in food".  Zoetis is the world's largest manufacturer of "medicinal feed additives" (i.e. sub-therapeutic antibiotics fed to livestock).  I signed up and attended the seminar, where a hired PR consultant from Ketchum and Associates played a few carefully prepared propaganda pieces.  They contained numerous falsehoods (which I knew because I raised cattle) about farming and the use of antibiotics, and completely avoided the central subject of antibiotic resistance -- which has been widely attributed to antibiotics in livestock feed.  

I raised my hand afterwards to point out these errors and omissions, though they didn't really have a response beyond, "that's a really tough situation" when I mentioned a friend's daughter nearly dying from a mrsa (antibiotic resistant staph) infection.  In retrospect, I think these "seminars" were likely intended to screen out people like myself who have a problem with corporate malfeasance.

So it's through this lens that I see what corporations are capable of.  Many will still cling to the comforting idea that no person in a corporation would stoop to such levels as deliberately killing for profits, but it's hard to see their suppression of the information on ivermectin as anything but.  According to NBC news, 77 thousand people died from covid in the US in December.  I would suggest that the vast majority of these deaths were entirely preventable, considering that the efficacy of ivermectin has been known for months now.

Once you find yourself able to accept that reality that people -- and especially corporations are not inherently good, you may also be able to understand more of what is going on with the push to get us all to take Pfizer's new mRNA vaccine for covid.  Here are some additional reasons for concern...

Dr Kary Mullis -- who invented the PCR test being used for covid testing, was adamant that it was unreliable when used at higher cycle counts, where he states you "could find anything" you wanted at the higher number of amplification cycles used in this test.  Had he not died mysteriously last August, he would have undoubtedly had a lot to say about the WHO recommending up to 45 cycles for covid testing.   He also had a lot to say about Dr. Fauci, with whom he was well acquainted and whom he considered a politician (and not a very bright one).  The interview in this video goes into some of the details (the comments on Fauci start around 3:30).  

We should also keep in mind that the PCR test -- which is what was used to demonstrate the efficacy of the new Pfizer vaccine is regularly used at 35-40 amplification cycles.  Court testimony, in the case of German tourists detained in Portugal for positive PCR test results, showed that at this number of cycles, the PCR test will give a 97% false positive rate.

Another interesting recent death (on December 8th) was that of Brandi Vaughan -- a former Merck sales rep.  She worked for Merck in the early 2000s, selling Vioxx which Merck had just developed.  Upon learning that Merck was well aware that it was killing people (with heart attacks) for at least a year before the FDA forced them to stop selling the drug, she quit the company.  Her own research lead her to start the organization, "Know the Risk" about the dangers of vaccines.  This video is of one of her speeches -- where she makes some very good points that I was not previously aware of.  One that I thought was particularly interesting, is the fact that European kids receive far fewer vaccines -- and the serious anaphylactic-reaction allergies to foods such as peanut butter -- which are rampant in the US to the point that many schools now *prohibit* peanut butter -- are virtually unknown in Europe.  

In this video, Brandi detailed exactly the intimidation tactics the pharmaceutical industry was using against her (her own account begins at 7:17).  People repeatedly broke into her home (using the master key code for her security system, which nobody else knew) and stole nothing, but left several messages to intimidate her, and also clearly bugged her home.  She knew she was undertaking serious risk, to the point that she felt compelled in what became her last facebook post to state that she *is not* suicidal and *is not* in poor health.  She "died" a week after making that post, at the age of 48.

Conspiracy theory?   Perhaps.   Do people conspire?   Do corporations?  Absolutely.